MP SC competition offers vacancies for entry into the Career of Substitute Prosecutor of the Public Ministry of the State of Santa Catarina.
The Public Ministry of Santa Catarina (MP – SC) announced the rescheduling of the tests related to notice no. 001/2020/PGJ of the 42nd MP SC contest entry into the Public Prosecutor's Office of the State of Santa Catarina.
The objective test of the preambular selection process is scheduled for September 19, 2021. Check all other dates and biosafety instructions in the complete rectification.
The MP SC public competition will fill vacancies for Substitute Prosecutor and is being carried out by the Brazilian Center for Research in Evaluation and Selection and Event Promotion (Cebraspe).
There are four vacancies up for grabs, one of which is reserved for black candidates. Due to the number of vacancies available, there will be no reservation for candidates with disabilities.
Candidates with a degree in Law with at least three years of legal activity may apply for vacancies.
Substitute Prosecutor's Allowance for MP SC
According to the MP – SC Transparency Portal, the Substitute Prosecutor has an initial allowance of R$ 28,883.98.
In addition to the subsidy, the hired professional will be entitled to food assistance in the amount of R$ 1,552.03, health assistance ranging from R$ 185.23 to R$ 555.67, depending on age, and housing assistance, with a limit value of R$ 4,377.73.
MP SC competition: registration
Registration for the MP SC competition was carried out from 10 am on April 26th until 7 pm on May 11th, 2021, only via the internet, through the Cebraspe website.
The value of the registration fee was R$ 300.00, with exemption from the amount being permitted in one of the following cases:
- Candidate registered with CadÚnico, by indicating the Social Identification Number (NIS);
- Blood donor candidate, as long as they have made at least three annual donations and/or bone marrow donor candidate;
- Candidate with a disability, as long as their income does not exceed two minimum wages.
MP SC competition: evidence
The MP SC competition will consist of written, stand, oral and titles tests.
A objective proof It will be held in two parts, both of an eliminatory and classificatory nature. Each stage will last 4 hours, one carried out in the morning and the other in the afternoon.
The candidate must appear at the designated location for the tests at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time, equipped with a black ink ballpoint pen, made of transparent material, proof of provisional registration or proof of payment of the registration fee. provisional and original identity document or equivalent document, with photo.
The objective test will involve the following subjects:
- P1 Objective: Constitutional right; Administrative law; Tax and Financial Law; Electoral Law; Criminal Law; Criminal Procedural Law; Criminology and Criminal Policy; Penal execution; Civil right; Civil Procedural Law; Fundamentals and General Notions of Law;
- P2 Objective: Portuguese language; Bankruptcy Law; Collective Process; Environmental Law; Defense of Administrative Morality; Consumer Law; Child and Adolescent Law; Human Rights and Citizenship; Institutional Legislation.
Each of these tests will consist of 200 questions and will be worth 200 points. The answers will be RIGHT or WRONG and the candidate will receive the following score for each answer:
- 1 point: if the answer is in accordance with the official answer sheet;
- 0.50 negative point: if the answer is in disagreement with the official answer sheet, is unmarked, double marked or has erasures;
- 0 point: if the candidate selects the “blank” option.
The candidate who, in each of the tests, obtains a minimum score of 80 points, in addition to other criteria established in the notice, such as calculating the average of the tests, will be approved at this stage.
The discursive test
The discursive test will consist of theoretical and practical questions, divided into two groups:
- Group I: Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Criminal Execution;
- Group II: Civil Law, Civil Procedural Law, Childhood and Adolescence Law and Homogeneous Diffuse, Collective and Individual Rights.
The two groups of tests will be carried out, on successive Sundays, in two periods per day, the first lasting 4 hours and the second lasting 3 hours.
The tribune test
This stage will consist of an oral presentation lasting 10 minutes, where the candidate will develop a selected topic.
During the presentation, the level of persuasion and legal precision, the adequacy of the language and the confidence demonstrated by the candidate will be assessed.
Title test
For the scoring of the qualification test, the following will be considered, which must be presented at the time of final registration, accompanied by the curriculum vitae:
- Approval in a competition to enter a career in the Public Prosecutor's Office or the Judiciary;
- Doctorate or free teaching in the area of Law;
- Master's degree in the field of Law;
- Exercise, on a permanent or commissioned basis, of a technical-legal position or function exclusive to a Bachelor of Laws, in Public Administration bodies;
- Specialization in the area of Law, with a minimum duration of one year and a minimum total workload of 360 class hours;
- Regular course, with a minimum duration of one academic year and a minimum workload of 720 class hours, promoted by a Public Prosecutor's Office preparatory school;
- Regular course, with a minimum duration of one academic year and a minimum workload of 720 class hours, promoted by a preparatory school for the Judiciary;
- Postgraduate intern or legal resident at the Public Ministry;
- Publication of a book, by individual author, with recognized scientific value for legal science;
- Article published in a legal journal that has an Editorial Board, with at least 15 pages, of recognized scientific value for legal science;
- Exercise of teaching in higher education in the area of Law;
- Graduate intern at the Public Ministry.
The oral test
In the candidate's oral argument, each member of the committee will ask 10 questions. Each answer will be evaluated from 0 to 1 point.
This test is eliminatory in nature and will be recorded in an audio recording or other means that allows for subsequent reproduction.
O MP – SC competition It will be valid for two years, counting from the date of publication, in the Official Electronic Gazette of the MP – SC, of the ratifying act, with the possibility of extension for an equal period, only once.
Further information about this public competition can be found in its notice, published on the Cebraspe website.