Naval College Competition CPACN/2021 announces notice with 129 vacancies for its Aspirant Preparation Course. Check all the requirements to participate.
O Naval College Navy competition (CPACN/2021) will offer 129 vacancies for the Aspirants Preparation Course. There will be 103 highly competitive vacancies and 26 vacancies reserved for black candidates, all destined for male candidates.
To compete for one of the places on the course, the candidate must, among other requirements:
- Do not have children or dependents (except spouse or partner);
- Be 15 years old and under 18 years of age on the first day of January 2022;
- Have completed or are in the process of completing the 9th year of Elementary School;
- Have a minimum height of 1.54m and a maximum of 1.95m.
The Navy College Naval competition schedule has been rectified and all stages now have completion dates. The document can be read in the Official Gazette of the Union.
Naval College Course (CN)
The Colégio Naval (CN) is a Navy educational establishment based in Angra dos Reis, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, which will teach the “Aspirant Preparation Course”, which corresponds to Basic Education at secondary level, in addition to the Military-Naval Education.
The school cycle will be conducted on a boarding basis and will last three academic years, in which the subjects of Mathematics, Portuguese Language, English Language, Spanish Language, Physics, History, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Philosophy, Sociology, Information Technology, Military-Naval Instruction and Physical Education.
Upon completion of the course, the student will receive a high school graduation certificate and a naval reservist certificate.
The course is free and the student will be entitled to remuneration of R$ 1,398.30, with R$ 1,185.00 relating to military pay, R$ 154.05 relating to military additional and R$ 59.25 relating to additional compensation for military availability. Students will also receive food, uniforms, medical-dental, psychological, social and religious assistance.
How to register for the Naval College Navy Competition?
Registration is open until July 18, 2021 and they could be carried out via the Brazilian Navy website, where the candidate had to fill in the requested data and print the bank slip worth R$ 90.00.
Candidates who:
- They belonged to a family registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico), of the Federal Government, with a per capita monthly family income equal to or less than half the national minimum wage; or
- They were bone marrow donors registered with entities recognized by the Ministry of Health.
Naval College Navy Competition: stages
The public tender will consist of the following stages:
- Objective Written Test (PO);
- Essay;
- Complementary Events (EVC): Health Inspection (IS); Entrance Physical Fitness Test (TAF-i); Psychological Assessment (AP); Document Verification (VD); Heteroidentification Procedure Complementary to Self-Declaration (PH).
The objective and essay tests have an eliminatory and classificatory nature, while the complementary events have an eliminatory nature.
Objective written tests and essay
The written tests will be carried out on two subsequent days, scheduled for the October 2nd and 3rd, 2021.
Check out the municipalities where the written test will be administered: Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Angra dos Reis – RJ, Nova Friburgo – RJ, São Pedro da Aldeia – RJ, Macaé – RJ, Vila Velha – ES, Belo Horizonte – MG, São José da Barra – MG, Salvador – BA, Ilhéus – BA, Aracaju – SE, Natal – RN, Olinda – PE, Fortaleza – CE, Maceió – AL, João Pessoa – PB, Belém – PA, Santana – AP, Parnaíba – PI, Santarém – PA, São Luís – MA, Rio Grande – RS, Porto Alegre – RS, Paranaguá – PR, Foz de Iguaçu – PR, Florianópolis – SC, São Francisco do Sul – SC, Uruguaiana – RS, Ladário – MS, Cuiabá – MT , Brasília – DF, Palmas – TO, São Paulo – SP, Santos – SP, Barra Bonita – SP, Manaus – AM, Porto Velho – RO and Santa Maria – RS.
The written test will last 5 hours each day and will be composed as follows:
- First day: 40 questions, 20 Mathematics questions and 20 English questions, each worth 2.5 points;
- Second day: 50 objective questions, 20 questions from Portuguese, 12 questions from Social Studies and 18 questions from Science, each worth 2 points. The writing will also take place on that day.
The essay will involve a subject considered of importance by the Naval Administration and must have between 20 and 30 lines, with 5 points deducted for each line outside these limits.
Each test will be worth 100 points and the candidate must obtain at least 50% in objective questions and in the essay.
Complementary events (EVC)
Check out the details of each of the stages that are part of the complementary events:
- Health Inspection (IS): stage in which a medical examination will be carried out to verify whether the candidate meets the medical criteria and standards of aptitude for a Military Career in the Brazilian Navy;
- Entrance Physical Fitness Test (TAF-i): There will be two tests aimed at verifying whether the candidate has physical fitness and meets the physical standards required for a career in the Brazilian Navy. The first test will be to swimming, with the candidate having to swim a distance of 25 meters in up to 50 seconds. The second test will be to race, the candidate must cover a distance of 2,400 meters in up to 16 minutes;
- Psychological Assessment (AP): scientific procedures will be used to verify the compatibility of the candidate's psychological characteristics with a military career;
- Document Verification (VD): Candidates must submit certified copies or simple copies accompanied by the originals of all documentation required in the notice;
- Heteroidentification Procedure Complementary to Self-Declaration (PH): self-declared black candidates must go through a commission that will carry out phenotypic identification.
Tiebreaker criteria
Those who finish tied for the average of the written tests will be classified according to the following order of priority:
- Higher grade in Mathematics and English;
- Highest grade in Social Studies, Science and Portuguese;
- Older age.
Notice and more information
The validity period of the Naval College Navy competition will end on the day the Aspirants Preparation Course begins, which is scheduled to begin on May 30, 2022, according to the new calendar.
The complete public tender notice is available on the Brazilian Navy website. If you have any questions, send an email to the Navy Personnel Selection Service: [email protected].