TJ SP Competition for Substitute Judge has 266 direct vacancies - Kasamim Noticias
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TJ SP contest for Substitute Judge has 266 direct vacancies

TJ SP contest for Substitute Judge has 266 direct vacancies

TJ SP contest has hundreds of top-level opportunities and will have a subsidy of R$ 28,883.97. The VUNESP Foundation will be the organizing bank.

The Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo (TJ SP) opened the public notice for the 189th Contest of Evidence and Titles for Admission to the Judiciary. O TJ SP contest will have 266 vacancies to start immediately for Substitute Judge.

The São Paulo State University Vestibular Foundation (VUNESP Foundation) will be the organizing committee of the contest. All stages will be held in the city of São Paulo.

TJ SP contest: vacancy details

To the 266 Deputy Judge vacancies are divided into 200 for broad competition, 13 for People with Disabilities (PcD) and 53 for black candidates.

The subsidy of the Substitute Judge will be R$ 28,883.97, and it is necessary that the candidate has a higher degree in Law for at least three years, and also have at least three years of legal activity until the date of definitive registration.

To participate, there is a maximum age of 65 years by the date of definitive registration.

TJ SP contest: entries

Keep an eye! Preliminary registration will open at 9am on August 16th and go to 11:59 pm on September 17, 2021, at the VUNESP Foundation website (organizing bank).

The participation fee will be R$ 288.83.

The application fee will be waived for applicants who:

  • Be a student regularly enrolled in a pre-university entrance exam course, or higher education, at the undergraduate or graduate level;
  • Have a monthly salary of less than two minimum wages or are unemployed.

Attention! It is necessary to pay attention to the deadlines and other requirements of the notice so as not to lose the benefit.

Questions or problems signing up? Get in touch with the VUNESP Foundation by phone (11) 3874-6300 or use the Contact us.

TJ SP contest: objective test

An objective test consisting of three blocks and 100 questions will be the first stage of the event. The assessment will take place on the likely date of November 14, 2021 and will charge the disciplines below:

Block I (30 questions):

  • Civil right;
  • Civil Procedural Law;
  • Consumer Law;
  • Right of Children and Adolescents (Annex I).

Block II (35 questions):

  • Criminal Law;
  • Criminal Procedural Law;
  • Constitutional right;
  • Electoral Law (Annex I).

Block III (35 questions):

  • Business Law;
  • Tax law;
  • Environmental Law;
  • Administrative Law (Annex I).

TJ SP contest: discursive test and sentence practice

The second stage will consist of a discursive test and two sentence practices, being divided into three different days, according to the schedule established by the public notice.

The first written test will last four hours and will have questions related to General Notions of Law and Humanistic Training, in addition to questions from the disciplines provided for the objective test.

The second written test will have two sentences (one civil and the other criminal), each lasting four hours.

TJ SP contest: third stage

The third stage of the competition will consist of the four phases listed below:

  • Final registration;
  • Investigation of the candidate's previous life and social investigation;
  • Physical and mental health examinations;
  • Psychological assessment.

All the details of each of the phases are available in the complete notice of the TJ SP contest.

TJ SP competition: oral exam

The fourth stage will be an oral test that will cover the knowledge detailed in Annexes I and II of the public notice. The theme will be defined by lottery and the candidate will have 15 minutes to make his answer.

An examining board will be responsible for evaluating the participant's response and will assign a grade according to the requirements of the public notice.

TJ SP Contest: proof of titles

Finally, there will be a title test worth 10 points for all participants who have gone through all the previous stages.

The following will be charged: exercise of a position in the area of Law, approval in a public tender, diploma in undergraduate courses, publication of legal works, participation in examination boards of tenders and other titles.

For more details on the scores, read the full announcement.

TJ SP Contest: more information

The contest will be valid for two years from the approval of the final result. In case of need, there will be renewal for a longer period.

You can read the full announcement at VUNESP Foundation website (organizing bank).



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