Imbé City Hall - RS publishes selection process notice - Kasamim Noticias
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City Hall of Imbé – RS publishes notice of selection process

City Hall of Imbé – RS publishes notice of selection process

Selection process Municipality of Imbé, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, registers only until today (July 23, 2021). Check all selection details.

Public notice No. 129/2021 was published regarding the selection process Municipality of Imbé (nº 004/2021), municipality located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which offers a vacancy, in addition to the reservation registration, for professionals with incomplete primary education.

Position in dispute in the selection process Municipality of Imbé

The selection offers a vacancy (plus reserve registration) for the function of Social Caregiver, with remuneration of R$ 1,413.22 and 40 hours per week.

In addition to the informed salary, other benefits may be granted, such as payment for overtime and night shift (if required) and Christmas bonus proportional to the period worked.

Candidates aged at least 18 years and with incomplete primary education may apply for vacancies.

sign up

Want to apply for the vacancy? Please note that the application deadline closes at 5 pm on July 23, 2021.

Applications must be requested by e-mail [email protected] upon payment of the application fee in the amount of R$ 20.00 (the guide must be requested by the indicated e-mail, informing the intended position, full name, CPF, telephone and home address with zip code).

The following documents must be attached to the application email:

  • Completed application form, according to the model provided in Annex II of the public notice;
  • Official identity document with photo and CPF number;
  • Professional curriculum, according to the model provided in Annex III of the public notice, duly completed and signed;
  • Supporting documentation of the titles informed in the professional curriculum;
  • Proof of payment of the registration fee.

To request exemption from the registration fee, the candidate must send to the e-mail indicated above, the declaration of hyposufficiency and the updated proof of registration in the Single Registry for Social Programs, issued by CRAS.

Curriculum analysis of the selection process Municipality of Imbé

The evaluation of candidates will be done through a title test, which will be worth up to 100 points, according to the documentation sent at the time of registration. The scoring criteria are detailed in the table below:

Title title score Maximum score
complete higher education 20 points 20 points
Complete high school 10 points 10 points
Professional experience in the role in which he/she competes 1 point per full month 60 points
Qualification or training course in the area in which it competes, provided that it has a minimum attendance of 75% 5 points 10 points

With regard to professional experience, internship or volunteer work time will not be computed.

tiebreaker criteria

If there is a tie in the score, the tiebreaker will be made according to the following criteria, in this order:

  1. Older candidate, among those aged 60 or over;
  2. Candidate with the highest score in the experience criterion;
  3. Raffle in public act.

More information

This selection will be valid for six months and may be extended for the same period, only once.

Want to know more? Read the full notice published on the City Hall website or, if you have any further questions, send an email to [email protected]. It is also possible to speak with the administration by calling (51) 3627-8212.

previous selection process

In May, the Municipality of Imbé selection process nº 003/2021 was carried out, which offered an immediate vacancy for Home Care Doctor and GERCON Regulator, with remuneration of R$ 17,600.00.

Before that, PSS nº 002/2021 filled vacancies for General Services, Ambulance Driver, Social Visitor and Family and Community Doctor. This selection took place in March.

About the city of Imbe

A city of imbe, also known as “Imbé beach”, is located on the north coast of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, being a beach much sought after by surfers, thanks to its strong waves.

Founded in 1988, when it separated from Tramandaí, the municipality has around 22 thousand inhabitants and is part of the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre and the micro-region of Osório. Imbé borders the cities of Osório and Tramandaí.

The city is 130 km from the capital Porto Alegre and access is via the RS-786.



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