Várzea Paulista Mayoral Competition - Kasamim Noticias
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Várzea Paulista Mayoral Competition

Várzea Paulista Mayoral Competition

Competition for the Mayor of Várzea Paulista, state of São Paulo, opened almost 100 vacancies. Tests have been rescheduled and are being administered.

The application of exams for the Municipality of Várzea Paulista competition, in the state of Sao Paulo, has been resumed. According to the new press releases from the Vunesp Foundation, the tests that still remain to be applied are the following:

  • August 8, 2021 – secondary education positions;
  • August 15, 2021 – positions with incomplete and complete primary education.

To consult the application locations, access the official website of the Vunespe Foundation, in this link. It is worth remembering that the test for higher education positions was administered on August 1, 2021, according to the Vunesp note.

The Várzea Paulista public competition will fill 93 vacancies for professionals with different levels of education and salaries of up to R$ 8,264.62. Registration took place between November 27th and January 13th, 2020.

Vacancies in the Várzea Paulista competition

Elementary level professionals will be able to compete for the positions of General Assistant (Cleaning and Conservation; and Maintenance and Civil Works), Gardener, Student Assistant, Light Vehicle Driver, Sanitation Agent, Nursing Assistant and Oral Health Assistant.

For medium and technical levels the vacancies are as follows:

Traffic Inspection Agent, Administrative Assistant, Commerce, Services, Tax and Posture Inspector, Telecentre Monitor, Accounting Technician, IT Technician, Occupational Safety Technician, Designer Designer, Construction Inspector, Surveying Technician, Technician in Buildings, Environmental Technician, Zoonosis Control Agent, Pharmacy Assistant, Early Childhood Educator, Social Monitor, Audiovisual Technician, Nursing Technician and Sanitation Technician.

Higher-level opportunities are for Management Technician, Planning and Public Management Analyst, Systems Analyst, Architect, Archivist, Tax Auditor, Accountant, Internal Controller, Environmental Engineer, Civil Engineer, Occupational Safety Engineer and Traffic Engineer and Transport.

In addition to the basic salary, other benefits may be granted, such as hazard pay, additional hazard pay, food allowance, transportation allowance, family salary, additional university education and/or additional incentive for graduation.


The Várzea Paulista City Hall competition consists of an objective test, to be applied to all positions, and an essay test, to be applied only to the Management Technician position.

The total time to complete the test will be three hours for positions at fundamental, secondary and technical levels, three hours and thirty minutes for higher level positions, except for Management Technician, who will have four hours and thirty minutes to complete the objective test, together with the writing test.

To take the tests, the candidate must appear at least 60 minutes in advance, equipped with a black ink pen, original identity document and original proof of payment of the registration fee, if the candidate is not included in the call notice or in the registration register.

The number of test questions varies depending on the position being contested. The subjects covered in this test also vary, but General Knowledge (Portuguese Language and Mathematics) and Specific Knowledge content may be covered.

The objective test will be worth 100 points and candidates who obtain a minimum score of 50 points will be approved at this stage.

It will only be possible to leave the test site after 75% has elapsed. At the end, the candidate will only be able to take the material provided to check the objective test answer sheet.

Tiebreaker criteria

If there is a tie in the final grade obtained by candidates, the following criteria will be adopted:

  1. Older candidate, among those aged 60 or over, in accordance with the provisions of the Elderly Statute;
  2. Candidate with the highest number of correct answers in Specific Knowledge;
  3. Candidate with the highest number of correct answers in Portuguese;
  4. Candidate with the highest number of correct answers in Mathematics;
  5. Candidate with the largest number of children under 18 years of age who are dependents;
  6. Older candidate, among those under 60 years old;
  7. Candidate who proves that he has served as a juror;

If the tie persists, there may be a draw in the presence of the candidates involved.


The Várzea Paulista City Hall competition will be valid for two years, counting from the date of publication of the approval of the final result, and may be extended for the same period, only once.

For further information about this public competition, see the notice published on the website Vunesp Foundation.



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