Selection process Maracaju City Hall, Mato Grosso do Sul, has opportunities for different levels of education. Registration will be free.
The notice came out selection process Maracaju City Hall, Mato Grosso do Sul, which will offer a vacancy and create a reserve register for various positions.
After corrections, there was a change in the number of vacancies
Maracaju City Hall selection process: vacancies
Check the selection list of professions, starting with those of higher level:
- Social Worker: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,956.12;
- Biochemical: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,732.20;
- Biomedic: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,732.20;
- Nurse: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,956.12;
- Engineer: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 6,235.11;
- Pharmaceutical: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,956.12;
- Physiotherapist: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,956.12;
- Speech therapist: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,956.12;
- Veterinarian: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,956.12;
- Doctor: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,732.20;
- ESF Doctor: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 8,590.27;
- Nutritionist: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,956.12
- Dental surgeon: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 8,590.27;
- Psychologist: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,956.12;
- Municipal Attorney: one place and earnings of R$ 5,985.69;
- Professional in Physical Education: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 3,732.20.
Now, the opportunities for middle level:
- Social Worker: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,628.15;
- Dental Office Assistant: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,953.25;
- Pharmacy Assistant: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,628.15;
- Inspection and Health Surveillance Inspector: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,628.15;
- Driver II – Truck: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,295.62;
- Driver III – Bus/Ambulance: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,628.15;
- Nursing Technician: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,953.25;
- Laboratory Technician: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,953.25.
Finally, those of elementary level:
- Maintenance Assistant: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,245.67;
- Miscellaneous Services Assistant: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,151.78;
- Health Attendant: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,245.67;
- Driver I: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,245.67;
- Mechanic: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,245.67;
- Kitchen Officer: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,197.71;
- Maintenance Officer: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,295.62;
- Machine Operator I: reserve registration and earnings of R$ 1,628.15.
The working hours of these professions vary between 20 and 40 hours per week.
Maracaju City Hall selection process: registration
Registration can be done between the days May 24th and 31st, 2021 (weekdays), from 7:30 am to 10:30 am and from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
Middle and higher level registrations will be made in the Maracaju City Hall website.
Elementary level registrations will only be in person, in the General Protocol sector, located at Rua Appa, n° 120, Centro, Maracaju.
When registering, whether in person or online, you must submit the following documents:
- Identity document with photo;
- Completed registration form;
- Documents for proof of titles.
No registration fee will be charged.
Maracaju City Hall selection process: what the selection will be like
All candidates will be selected through a qualification test worth 100 points. Diplomas and educational certificates, training courses in the area and length of professional experience will be taken into account.
According to the notice, the qualification test has criteria and scores that vary depending on the level of education. Therefore, we recommend that you read the document for more details.
Maracaju City Hall selection process: notice and more information
The full notice can be read at Maracaju City Hall website.
Questions about signing up? Contact City Hall by phone (67) 3454-1320 or by email [email protected].