Selection process Irecê City Hall - Kasamim Noticias
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Irecê City Hall selection process

Irecê City Hall selection process

Selection process Irecê City Hall, state of Bahia, published a notice with free registration for positions in various areas and education levels.

Notice no. 01/2021 of the selection process Irecê City Hall, state of Bahia, which will offer 127 and reserve registration training for various positions.

The contracts will last for one year and may be renewed for the same period.

Irecê City Hall selection process: vacancies

Check out the vacancies in the competition, starting with those for higher level:

  • Lawyer: two vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Social Worker (Municipal Hospital): three vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Social Worker (Assistance Programs): three vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Biochemist: two vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Nurse: 12 vacancies + reserve registration (two First Job vacancies);
  • Nurse (PSF): 12 vacancies + reserve registration (two First Job vacancies);
  • Pharmacist: four vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Physiotherapist: three vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Speech therapist: one vacancy + reserve registration;
  • Veterinary Doctor: one vacancy + reserve registration;
  • Nutritionist: two vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Dentist: 12 vacancies + reserve registration (two First Job vacancies);
  • Pedagogue: one vacancy + reserve registration;
  • Physical Education Teacher: one vacancy + reserve registration;
  • Psychologist (Social Assistance programs): three vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Psychologist (Municipal Hospital): three vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Occupational Therapist: one vacancy + reserve registration.

Now, those of middle level:

  • Pharmacy Assistant: seven vacancies + reserve registration (one First Job vacancy);
  • Dental Assistant: eight vacancies + reserve registration (one First Job vacancy);
  • Monitor (SMAS): three vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Monitor (Casa do Lar): three places + reserve registration;
  • Receptionist: 10 vacancies + reserve registration (two First Job vacancies).

Finally, vacancies technical level:

  • Agricultural Technician: two vacancies + reserve registration;
  • Nursing Technician: 20 vacancies + reserve registration (four First Job vacancies);
  • Laboratory Technician: six vacancies + reserve registration (one First Job vacancy);
  • Radiology Technician: one vacancy + reserve registration.

Working hours vary between 20 and 40 hours per week, with salaries ranging from R$ 1,100.00 to R$ 3,242.29.

Irecê City Hall selection process: registration

Registration will be free and can be done between May 20th and 24th, 2021.

Registration will be online, at City Hall website.

In addition to what is established in Annex II of the notice, the following scanned documents will be requested:

Higher level:

  • Copy of Identity Document with photo – (mandatory);
  • Copy of Proof of Education – Diploma – (mandatory);
  • Copy of Registration with the Regional Council of the Area (Except Pedagogue) – (mandatory);
  • Proof of professional experience or declaration of length of service, duly letterheaded, dated and signed by the responsible body or company – (optional);
  • Copy of the Certificates of Professional Qualifications in the position applied for – (optional).

Higher level – First Job:

  • Copy of Identity Document with photo – (mandatory);
  • Copy of Proof of Education required for the position (Valid Declaration of Course Completion with Academic Transcript) – All positions – (mandatory);
  • Copy of Registration with the Area Regional Council (Pedagogue Exception) – (mandatory).

Technical level:

  • Copy of Identity Document with photo – (mandatory);
  • Copy of Proof of Education required for the Position – (mandatory);
  • Copy of Registration with the Regional Council of the Area – (mandatory);
  • Proof of professional experience or declaration of length of service, duly letterheaded, dated and signed by the responsible body or company – (optional);
  • Copy of the Certificates of professional qualifications in the position applied for – (optional);
  • National Driving License Category “A”, required only for the position of Agricultural Technician – (mandatory).

Technical level – First Job:

  • Copy of Identity Document with photo – (mandatory);
  • Copy of Proof of Education required for the position (Valid Declaration of Course Completion with Academic Record) – (mandatory);
  • Copy of Registration with the Regional Council of the Area – (mandatory);

Middle level:

  • Copy of Identity Document with photo – (mandatory);
  • Copy of Proof of Education required for the position (Diploma or valid Declaration of Course Completion) – (mandatory);
  • Proof of professional experience or declaration of length of service, duly letterheaded, dated and signed by the responsible body or company – (optional);
  • Copy of the Certificates of Professional Qualifications in the position applied for – (optional).

Mid-level – First Job:

  • Copy of Identity Document with photo – (mandatory);
  • Copy of Proof of Education required for the position (Valid Declaration of Course Completion with Academic Transcript) – (mandatory).

Doubts? Contact Irecê City Hall by phone (74) 3641-3116.

Irecê City Hall selection process: proof of qualifications

Candidates will be evaluated through a qualification test that will have a total value of 100 points. See the criteria for medium and technical levels:

  • Course certificate, of at least 16 hours, in the area or a related area: 08 points per course (maximum 40 points);
  • Length of experience in the profession in the public sector: 05 points per year (maximum 40 points);
  • Length of experience in the profession in the private sector: 2.5 points per year (maximum 20 points).

Now to higher level:

  • Specialist title, recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC): 06 points per course (maximum 30 points);
  • Certificate of training course, of at least 40 hours, in the related area or area of activity: 02 points per course (maximum 10 points);
  • Length of experience in the profession in the public sector: 05 points per year (maximum 40 points);
  • Length of experience in the profession in the private sector: 2.5 points per year (maximum 20 points).

Irecê City Hall selection process: more information

The selection will be valid for one year and can be renewed for the same period.

The full notice can be read at Irecê City Hall website.

Carlos Rocha


Graduated journalist (UFG), currently a writer on the website Concursos no Brasil. He was a screenwriter for Canal Fatos Desconhecidos (YouTube) for a year and a half. Produced podcast content for Deezer. He was part of Rádio Universitária (870AM) for three and a half years as a presenter on the Fanático Program and as a reporter, narrator and commentator for the Doutores da Bola Team. Football fan, NFL and podcast listener.



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