federal authority sends request for 430 vacancies - Kasamim Noticias
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federal authority sends request for 430 vacancies

federal authority sends request for 430 vacancies

Inmetro 2021 Competition: federal authority sent a request for a new competition. 430 places were requested for different levels of education. Know more.

O Inmetro contest (National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology), if authorized, can open a new notice from 2021. According to the agency's advisors, a new request for an event was sent to the Ministry of Economy in 2020, “with a forecast of 430 vacancies distributed among career positions at the Institute”.

Rumors are circulating that Inmetro is preparing a new request for the Inmetro competition for this year 2021. We contacted the institute's advisors again. In response, Inmetro only reinforced that the request had already been made.

“Inmetro sent a competition request to the Ministry of Economy, with a forecast of vacancies distributed among career positions at the Institute,” stated the advisory. The quantity requested in 2020 is the same as the previous request, from 2019 (430 places).

It is worth noting that there is currently a deficit of around 1,177 servers. In 2019, Asmetro – SN (National Union of Inmetro Servers) informed us that 75% of this deficit Inmetro's human resources department is in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The body is headquartered in Rio Comprido, as well as a laboratory in Duque de Caxias, District of Xerém; both in Rio de Janeiro. It is a federal agency directly linked to the Special Secretariat for Productivity, Employment and Competitiveness, of the Ministry of Economy.

Current status of the Inmetro contest

A current status of the Inmetro contest, regarding the opening of new vacancies, is no different from that of other state bodies: uncertainty due to the country's current fiscal situation. For years, the government has been limiting the hiring of personnel for the public service. Proof of this are the repeated requests for vacancies (2018, 2019 and 2020, to name just the most recent).

The fact is that the body depends on the qualified and competitive labor to meet your complex demand for assignments. And this also includes the time required for new servers to perform their duties satisfactorily.

In June 2020, Concursos no Brasil asked What were the positions requested? and the response was sent on July 27th of the same year. See below:

Inmetro Competition: positions, education and remuneration

In the last request for the Inmetro competition, there was a request for 430 vacancies for the following positions: 

  • Executive Analyst in Metrology and Quality;
  • Executive Assistant in Metrology and Quality;
  • Senior Metrology and Quality Specialist;
  • Researcher-Technologist in Metrology and Quality;
  • Metrology and Quality Technician.

Based on previous notices of the Inmetro competition, the positions of Executive Assistant and Technician in Metrology and Quality require a level midfielder/technical. The exception lies in the position of Executive Assistant in Metrology and Quality – Administration, which foresees the need to have only complete high school.

For the other expected positions (Executive Analyst in Metrology and Quality, Senior Specialist in Metrology and Quality and Researcher-Technologist in Metrology and Quality), it is required University education.

It is worth mentioning that, in the case of the position of Senior Metrology and Quality Specialist, it is probably necessary to have a doctorate completed at least 10 years ago.

Remuneration in the Inmetro competition may vary from R$ 4 thousand to R$ 19 thousand monthly, already considering food assistance, but these values are estimates.

In the 2014 Inmetro competition, the starting remuneration for higher-level positions was up to R$ 8,886.71, with the exception of the position of Senior Metrology and Quality Specialist, whose remuneration could be up to R$ 16,512.95.

For mid-level and mid-level/technical positions, the earnings from the last Inmetro competition were up to R$ 4,845.71.

All those approved will have the status of federal public servant as their admission regime and, in this way, there is a guarantee of stability. The default journey is 40 hours per week.

Last Inmetro contest

The Inmetro 2014 competition had three notices and, at the time, they were offered 80 vacancies, distributed to the states of Goiás, Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro.

The chances were for the following positions:

  • Executive Analyst (39);
  • Researcher-Technologist (11) and Senior Specialist (02 higher-level vacancies);
  • Executive Assistant (19, secondary or technical level, depending on specialty); It is
  • Technician (09 vacancies, medium technical level).

Notices, templates and latest publications from the last Inmetro competition

Inmetro contest stages

The next Inmetro competition, depending on the position contested, may have the following qualifying stages:

Executive Analyst in Metrology and Quality

  • Step 1: objective tests of basic knowledge, test of specific knowledge (objective tests and discursive tests), evaluation of titles and professional experience;
  • Step 2: Training course, held only in Rio de Janeiro.

Senior Metrology and Quality Specialist

  • Securities valuation test and scientific and technological production;
  • Defense evidence and public memorial argument; It is
  • Defense test and public argument of work plan.

Researcher – Technologist in Metrology and Quality

  • Step 1: objective tests of basic knowledge, test of specific knowledge (objective tests and discursive test), evaluation of titles and professional experience;
  • Step 2: Training Course in Rio de Janeiro.

Metrology and Quality Technician

  • Objective evidence basic knowledge and specific knowledge;
  • Bond valuation and professional experience.

Executive Assistant in Metrology and Quality

  • Objective evidence basic knowledge and specific knowledge;
  • Bond valuation and professional experience of a qualifying nature.

What to study for the Inmetro competition tests?

According to previous Inmetro competition notices, the programmatic content varies depending on the position and level of education required. Below, we provide details on what usually falls into the tests for the Executive Assistant in Metrology and Quality.

This position in question has at least three specialties different types: Administration (medium level), Accounting (medium technical level) and IT (medium technical level). Check out!

Syllabus for Executive Assistant in Metrology and Quality

Basic knowledge for all specialties

Portuguese language:

  • Understanding and interpretation of texts;
  • Text typology;
  • Official spelling;
  • Graphic accentuation;
  • Use of words classes;
  • Use of the crasis sign;
  • Syntax of prayer and period;
  • Punctuation;
  • Nominal and verbal agreement;
  • Nominal and verbal regency;
  • Meaning of words;
  • Writing official correspondence.

Specific Knowledge – Administration Specialty

Financial math:
  1. Ratio and proportion;
  2. Percentage;
  3. Simple and compound interest;
  4. Discounts;
  5. Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics;
  6. Capital Remuneration and Interest Rate;
  7. Simple Interest;
  8. Compound interest;
  9. Uniform Payment Series;
  10. Series of Equal Installments: Advance and Postponement;
  11. Amortization Systems: French System, Price Table;
  12. SAC – Constant Amortization System;
  13. Cash flows;
  14. Net present value;
  15. Net Future Value;
  16. Internal Rate of Return.
Computer skills:
  1. Concept of internet and intranet and main browsers;
  2. Main commercial applications for editing texts and spreadsheets, for electronic mail, for slide presentations and for generating written, visual and sound material, among others;
  3. Protection and security routines;
  4. File organization concepts and access methods.
  1. Notions of General Management Theory;
  2. Planning, organization, direction and control;
  3. Ethics in organizations;
  4. Principles and social responsibility;
  5. Quality management (how to define, quality and non-quality costs);
  6. Service level agreements;
  7. Logistics and supply chain management;
  8. General purchasing concepts;
  9. Notions of e-commerce;
  10. Transport modalities;
  11. Knowledge of stock management;
  12. Inventory planning and forecasting;
  13. Inventory control methods;
  14. Storage notions;
  15. Organization and maintenance of a warehouse;
  16. Techniques for receiving, moving, storing and distributing material.
Accounting Basics:
  1. Concept, objective and purposes;
  2. Revenue, expenses, costs and results;
  3. Heritage: concept, components, variations and configurations;
  4. Accounts: concept, structure and species;
  5. Calculation of results: amortization, depreciation, depletion and provisions;
  6. Gross profit, cost of sales, operating profit and net profit;
  7. Stock assessment, Surveys, Inventories;
  8. Taxes and their applications in acquisitions in the domestic and foreign markets: notions of ICMS, IPI, ISS, II, PIS/COFINS, CSLL,IR,CPMF, CIDE. 3.9 Tax documents (Invoice for the sale of goods and services – valid models).

Specific Knowledge – Accounting Specialty

General contability:
  • Mandatory and optional books. Accounting records. Double Entry Method. Launches of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th formulas. Accrual Regime and Cash Regime. Criteria for evaluating Assets and Liabilities. Net Worth. Subscribed and paid-in capital. Capital reserves. Profit Reserves and Revaluation Reserves – Accumulated Profits or Losses. Patrimonial Accounts and Income Accounts. Accounting operations common to commercial, industrial and service companies. Main Financial Statements and their purposes; Mandatory dividends. Valuation of Investments using the Equity Method and the Cost Method. Stock Assessment Criteria. Depreciation of Fixed Assets and Amortization of Deferred Assets. Tax Structuring – mandatory and optional books within the scope of Income Tax/Social Contribution, ICMS, IPI and ISS legislation. Records at the Commercial Registry and Records in the Federal, State and Municipal Registries.
Commercial Accounting:
  • Accounting records of the purchase and sale of goods. Calculation of the Cost of Goods Sold; Mandatory and optional books, specific to commercial activity.
Industrial Accounting:
  • Accounting records of operations forming the Cost of Manufactured Products; the Cost of Products Sold; of Operating Revenues. Fixed and Variable Costs and Direct and Indirect Costs. Direct Costing and Absorption Costing – differences, advantages and disadvantages.

Specific Knowledge – IT Specialty

  1. General concepts and disciplines of software engineering;
  2. Object-oriented analysis and design with UML;
  3. GoF design patterns;
  4. Data modeling with Entity-Relationship diagrams;
  5. Oracle Database Development Concepts;
  6. Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports tools;
  7. Programming logic;
  8. Object-oriented programming;
  9. Data structures, sorting, searching and hashing algorithms;
  10. C# and PL/SQL programming language;
  11. ANSI standard SQL language.

About Inmetro

Inmetro, according to information on its official portal, is a federal agency, linked to the Special Secretariat for Productivity, Employment and Competitiveness, of the Ministry of Economy.

He “acts as the Executive Secretariat of the National Council of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (Conmetro), an interministerial collegiate body, which is the regulatory body of the National System of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (Sinmetro)”.

It has the objective of improve the quality of company products and services.

Thus, it works by evaluating the minimum requirements (health safety, environmental safety, economic impact, etc.) so that various products and services can be sold.

Bruno Destéfano


He was born in the interior of Goiás and moved to the capital, Goiânia, at the beginning of 2015. His goal was to study Journalism at UFG. Since the end of his graduation, he has worked as a scriptwriter, digital media manager, press officer at the Goiânia City Council, web writer, text editor and radio announcer. He wrote two books, one fiction and one non-fiction. He also received awards for producing a podcast on racial topics and for his book-report “Insurgency – Chronicles of Repression”. He currently works as a web writer on the “Concursos no Brasil” website and is participating in a new company in the digital marketing field.



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