Bauru City Hall Competition - SP 2021: vacancies in health - Kasamim Noticias
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Bauru City Hall Competition – SP 2021: vacancies in health

Bauru City Hall Competition – SP 2021: vacancies in health

Bauru City Hall Competition, São Paulo, opens three vacancies with salaries of R$ 4,539.73, plus benefits. Find out all the details.

Three new notices relating to the Bauru City Hall competition, in the state of São Paulo, which opens three immediate vacancies for higher education professionals in the health area.

All those approved will be hired under the statutory regime and will work for Bauru City Hall, more specifically at the Municipal Health Department.

Bauru City Hall Competition: notice no. 002/2021

The offer is for an immediate starting position for the position of Gynecologist/Obstetrician which will have a maturity of R$ 4,539.73, plus a purchase voucher of R$ 500.00. In exchange, the professional will work 15 hours a week.

To compete for the position, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Completion of Graduation in Medicine;
  • Registration with the Regional Council of Medicine (CRM/SP);
  • Medical Residency or Specialist Title in Gynecology/Obstetrics.

Bauru City Hall Competition: notice no. 003/2021

A vacancy is available for immediate hiring for the position of Pulmonologist which will have a salary of R$ 4,539.73, plus a purchase voucher of R$ 500.00, for 15-hour shifts per week.

To compete for the position, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Completion of Graduation in Medicine;
  • Registration with the Regional Council of Medicine (CRM/SP);
  • Medical Residency in Pulmonology or Specialist Title in Pulmonology.

Bauru City Hall Competition: notice no. 004/2021

A vacancy is being offered for the position of Psychiatric doctor which will have a salary of R$ 4,539.73, plus a purchase voucher of R$ 500.00, for 15-hour workweeks.

To compete for the position, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Completion of Graduation in Medicine;
  • Registration with the Regional Council of Medicine (CRM/SP);
  • Medical Residency in Psychiatry or Specialist Title in Psychiatry.

How to register for the Bauru City Hall competition?

To register, you must access the Bauru City Hall website and fill out the online registration form with personal data.

The registration period starts from the first minute of the day July 27, 2021 and is scheduled to come to an end at 4pm of the day August 10, 2021, Brasilia time.

To confirm participation, you will need to pay a registration fee of R$ 80.00.

It is still established that candidates who prove that they have donated blood at least twice in the last twelve months will not need to pay the registration fee.

To request the fee exemption benefit, follow what is described in the notice.

Stages of the Bauru City Hall competition

The competition will consist of two stages: objective written test and title test.

The objective tests are scheduled to be administered on the days September 12, 2021. Note, below, what will be present in the evaluation:

  • Specific Knowledge – 30 questions;
  • SUS legislation – 10 questions.

In addition, there will also be a title test stage, which will score the following criteria:

Title Minimum score Maximum score
Doctorate degree 4,0 4,0
Master's degree 3,0 3,0
Specialization/ Specialist title/ Residency/ Improvement 1,0 3,0

Validity of the competition and notices

The public tender will be valid for two years. However, if Bauru City Council needs it, the validity period can be extended for another two years.

The complete notices are available at Bauru City Hall website.

About the municipality

The municipality of Bauru, which is located in the state of São Paulo, has more than 375 thousand inhabitants and is 326 km from the city of São Paulo.

Bauru has one of the highest GDPs in the State of São Paulo, the state capital. The provision of services is what drives the local economy.

However, industries are close behind, with highlights being the metalworking, publishing and graphic, food, electronics and plastics sectors.

Márcia Andréia


Journalist at Portal Concursos in Brazil, studied Social Communication, with a degree in Journalism, at the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), postgraduate in Advertising at Faculdade Dom Alberto.
He worked in the production of Record Bahia, in the communications department of the Municipality of Correntina – BA, in the editorial office of Jornal do Sudoeste, among other activities in the area of advertising.



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