CRT 1st Region selection process: notice and registration - Kasamim Noticias
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CRT 1st Region selection process: notice and registration

CRT 1st Region selection process: notice and registration

The CRT 1st Region selection process opens 31 vacancies for immediate hiring, in addition to creating a reserve register. Salaries up to R$ 3,000.00.

Notice no. 01/2021 of the CRT 1st Region selection process! The competition opens 31 vacancies for immediate hiring, in addition to creating reserve registration for another 364 vacancies. The opportunities are for professionals at mid, technical and higher levels.

The Regional Council of Industrial Technicians of the 1st Region covers the states of Acre, Amazonas, Federal District, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondônia, Roraima and Tocantins.

The CRT 1st Region selection process is under the responsibility of the Quadrix Institute.

Vacancies in the CRT 1st Region selection process

The opportunities will be for capacity in the cities of Brasília – DF, Boa Vista – RR, Campo Grande – MS, Cuiabá – MT, Goiânia – GO, Manaus – AM, Palmas – TO, Porto Velho – RO and Rio Branco – AC. When registering, the candidate must choose the place of work.

Vacancies will be filled in the following positions:

  • Administrative assistant: To compete, you must have completed high school. The contractor will work 40 hours a week for a salary of R$ 2,000.00;
  • Maintenance Assistant: Those interested must have a secondary level course and a National Driving License in category “B”. The contractor will work 40 hours a week for a salary of R$ 2,000.00;
  • Inspection Agent: To compete for vacancies you must have a course in Industrial Technician, active and current registration with the Regional Council of Industrial Technicians (CRT/CFT System) and a National Driving License in category “B”. The contractor will work 40 hours a week for a salary of R$ 3,000.00;
  • Information Technology Assistant: You must have a technical course in the area of Information Technology or a course with an equivalent name and content. Undergraduate courses completed in the area of Information Technology will also be accepted. The contractor will work 40 hours a week for a salary of R$ 2,200.00;
  • Tecnical assistent: To compete for vacancies, you must have a course in Industrial Technician and be actively registered with the Regional Council of Industrial Technicians (CRT/CFT System). The contractor will work 40 hours a week for a salary of R$ 3,000.00.


In addition to the reported salaries, those hired will be entitled to the following benefits:

  • Meal voucher and/or food voucher worth R$ 900.00 per month;
  • Transport voucher, in accordance with legislation.

How to sign up?

Interested parties must apply for registration, exclusively via the internet, at period from 10am on July 5th to 11:59pm on August 10th, 2021.

To do this, you need to access the selection process page, next to the Quadrix Institute, and fill out the application form for the position you wish to apply for.

A registration fee of R$ 58.00 will be charged for mid-level positions and R$ 65.00 for other positions.

It is possible to request exemption from paying the registration fee. To do this, the candidate must be in one of the following situations:

  • Be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) and be a member of a low-income family;
  • Be a bone marrow donor in entities recognized by the Ministry of Health.

Stages of the CRT 1st Region selection process

Professionals will be evaluated through objective tests, common to all positions, which are scheduled to be applied on October 3, 2021.

The objective tests will have an eliminatory and classificatory nature, and will consist of 50 questions, distributed among the areas of knowledge:

  • Basic knowledge: 20 questions;
  • Additional knowledge: 10 questions
  • specific knowledge: 20 questions.

There will also be a stage of evaluating courses and professional experience for technical level positions. The maximum score will be 10 points.

Notice and other information

The validity period of the selection process is two years, counting from the date of publication of the approval of the final result, and may be extended once for the same period.

Further information can be found in the opening notice on the website Quadrix Institute.

Márcia Andréia


Journalist at Portal Concursos in Brazil, studied Social Communication, with a degree in Journalism, at the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), postgraduate in Advertising at Faculdade Dom Alberto.
He worked in the production of Record Bahia, in the communications department of the Municipality of Correntina – BA, in the editorial office of Jornal do Sudoeste, among other activities in the area of advertising.



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