PC PA Delegate Test: check the unofficial answer key! - Kasamim News
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PC PA Delegate Test: check the unofficial answer key!

PC PA Delegate Test: check the unofficial answer key!

The PC PA Delegate Test will take place today (06/20/2021), in two shifts in the cities of Altamira, Belém, Itaituba, Marabá, Redenção and Santarém. The selection for Civil Police of the State of Pará  offer 265 vacancies for the position of delegate.

The PC PA Delegate Test will consist of an objective assessment and procedural document, which will be distributed as follows:

  • Objective test: morning shift, with gates opening at 7am and closing at 8am. Total duration of 5 hours.
  • Procedural part: afternoon shift, with gates opening at 2:30 pm and closing at 3:30 pm. Total duration of 3 hours.

The Gran Cursos Online team prepared a video event for commented correction of PC PA Exam questions. You can watch the video at starting at 7pm today (20/06) , so stay tuned to the Blog so you don't miss any news! The preliminary answer key for the PC PA Delegate Test will be published on June 21, 2021 on the website of the Examining Board, Instituto AOCP.

Browse the index and find out all the answer key details about the PC PA Delegate Test:

Check out the question-solving video below for the PC PA Delegate Test, made by teachers from Gran Online Courses. Question correction will start at 7pm!

PC PA Delegate Test: Unofficial Written Answer Key)

Soon you will be able to check the written comments from the teachers of the Gran Online Courses for the PC PA Delegate Test, as well as the test booklet! Keep an eye on the Blog so you don't miss any updates!

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PC PA Delegate Test: schedule

See the most recent schedule for the PC PA Delegate Test, according to the  4th and final rectification of the notice, on April 30, 2021:

Event Date
Announcement of the test time and location 02/06/2021
Application of the objective test (morning) and procedural document (afternoon) 20/06/2021
Publication of the Preliminary Answer Key and the question book(s) 21/06/2021
Period for appealing against the Preliminary Template 06/22 and 06/23/2021
Publication of the notice of Opinions on Appeals Granted against the Preliminary Template, of the post-appeal Template,
of the answer sheets for the Objective Test and the Result of the Objective Test – Preliminary
Period for appealing against the result of the Objective Test – Preliminary 07/14 and 07/15/2021
Disclosure of the result of the Objective Test – post-appeals and the Final Answer Key
(results and classification will only be announced after all phases have been completed)
Disclosure of candidates who will have their Procedural Piece (PP) corrected 28/07/2021
Publication of the preliminary PP result and mirror of the response 16/08/2021
Period for appealing against the preliminary result of the PP 08/17 and 08/18/2021
Disclosure of the appeal opinion and definitive result of the PP 06/09/2021
Call for qualified candidates for the TAF 22/10/2021
Application of the Physical Fitness Test 02/10 and 03/10/2021
Publication of the preliminary TAF result 13/10/2021
Period for appealing against the preliminary TAF result 10/14 and 10/15/2021
Disclosure of the appeal opinion and final TAF result 22/10/2021
Call for qualified candidates for the Medical Examination 22/10/2021
Application of the Medical Examination 05/11, 06/11 and 07/11/2021
Publication of the preliminary result of the medical examination 16/11/2021
Period for appealing against the result of the medical examination 11/17 and 11/18/2021
Disclosure of the definitive result of the medical examination 29/11/2021
Disclosure of candidates qualified for psychological assessment 29/11/2021
Application of psychological assessment 12/12/2021
Disclosure of the preliminary result of the psychological assessment 06/01/2022
Period to request a return interview and disclosure of the return date 07/01/2022
Conducting the feedback interview 16/01/2022
Period for appealing against the result of the psychological assessment 01/17 and 01/18/2022
Disclosure of the appeal opinion against the result of the psychological assessment and the definitive result of the post-appeal psychological assessment 02/02/2022
Disclosure of qualified candidates for Social Investigation 02/02/2022

PC PA Delegate test: preliminary answer

In accordance with the current notice for the PC PA Delegate Competition, the preliminary answer key for the objective test will be made available on the day June 21, 2021 and can be consulted on the Examining Board website , or directly through the email address .

The preliminary result of the Procedural Piece (PP) will be announced at the August 16, 2021 and will follow the response mirror for the formulation and filing of appeals, if applicable.

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PC PA Delegate Test: resources

Candidates may appeal for the objective PC PA Delegate test during the June 22nd to 23rd, 2021. Gran Cursos Online will also publish on June 21, 2021 an article addressing issues subject to appeal with the view of expert teachers on each item.

Requests can be made via email from a specific link indicated on the page. For the Procedural Piece, the deadline for appeals will only occur during the period of August 17-18, 2021, also via a specific link on the competition page.

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PC PA Delegate Test – Analysis

Did you take the PC PA Delegate test this Sunday (20/06)? Leave your analysis of the test in the comments.

• What did you think of the difficulty level of the test?
• Was the content charged in the test in accordance with the notice?
• Has the bank introduced any innovation in charging for content?
• Were there many candidates absent from your room?

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PC PA Delegate Test: summary

Contest Civil Police of the State of Pará – PCPA Delegate Competition
Organizing panel AOCP Institute
Positions Delegate
Education Higher level
Careers Police and Legal
Capacity State of Pará
Number of vacancies 265 vacancies
Remuneration initial R$ 18,050.00
Registrations from December 7, 2020 to February 4, 2021
Registration fee R$ 140
Objective proof Current date: June 20, 2021. (objective evidence and procedural document)
Notice link PC PA 2021 Notice for Delegate


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