Selection process Santa Rita do Trivelato City Hall, in Mato Grosso, opens six immediate vacancies, in addition to forming a reserve register. Various positions available.
Registration is open for the selection process Santa Rita do Trivelato City Hall, which is located in the state of Mato Grosso, and offers six vacancies for immediate recruitment of professionals, in addition to forming a reserve register.
The opportunities available are for professionals at primary, secondary and higher levels in the notice no. 002/2021. Find out the details below.
Vacancies in the selection process Santa Rita do Trivelato City Hall
Entry-level positions
- Food Agent – Lunch Lady: reserve registration will be formed with a salary of R$ 1,469.32;
- Food Agent – Lunch Maker (rural area): offer of reserve registration with salary of R$ 1,469.32;
- Educational Infrastructure Maintenance Agent – Caretaker: reserve registration with salary of R$ 1,469.32;
- Educational Infrastructure Maintenance Agent – Caretaker (rural area): reserve registration with salary of R$ 1,469.32;
- Educational Infrastructure Maintenance Agent – Property Caretaker: reserve registration offered with salary of R$ 1,469.32;
- Educational Infrastructure Maintenance Agent – Property Caretaker (rural area): reserve registration with salary of R$ 1,469.32;
- Administrative Assistant (rural area): opens reserve registration with salary of R$ 1,582.35;
- Mechanical Assistant: 1 vacancy with a salary of R$ 1,582.35;
- General Services Assistant: 3 vacancies with a salary of R$ 1,582.35;
- General Services Assistant (rural area): reserve registration with salary of R$ 1,582.35;
- Self-employed Electrician: reserve registration will be formed with a salary of R$ 2,712.59;
- Gari: 1 vacancy with a salary of R$ 1,469.32;
- Mechanic: reserve registration will be formed with a salary of R$ 2,825.61;
- CAT “D” driver: reserve registration and salary of R$ 2,203.98;
- School Driver: opens reserve registration and salary of R$ 2,203.98;
- CAT “C, D or E” Machine Operator: reserve registration offer and salary of R$ 2,260.50;
- Property Caretaker: reserve registration with salary of R$ 1,469.32.
Middle and high school positions with professional training
- Health Surveillance Inspector: 1 immediate vacancy with a salary of R$ 2,034.44;
- Dance Teacher (not qualified): reserve registration with salary of R$ 2,094.73;
- Fanfare Music Teacher (not qualified): reserve registration with salary of R$ 2,094.73;
- IT Teacher (not qualified): reserve registration with salary of R$ 2,094.73;
- Educational Administrative Technician – IT Instructor: reserve registration with salary of R$ 1,695.37.
Higher-level positions
- Psychologist: will form a reserve register and offers a salary of R$ 4,778.49;
- Dance Teacher: reserve registration offer and salary of R$ 3,142.08;
- Fanfare Music Teacher: reserve registration and salary of R$ 3,142.08;
- Biological Sciences or Science Teacher: opens reserve registration and salary of R$ 3,142.08;
- Geography Teacher: reserve registration and salary of R$ 3,142.08;
- History Teacher: reserve registration and salary of R$ 3,142.08;
- IT Teacher: reserve registration and salary of R$ 3,142.08;
- Language Teacher – Portuguese Language: reserve registration will be formed with a salary of R$ 3,142.08;
- Language Teacher – Foreign Language: reserve registration and salary of R$ 3,142.08;
- Teacher Pedagogue: reserve registration will be formed with a salary of R$ 3,142.08;
- Pedagogue Teacher (rural area): reserve registration and salary of R$ 3,142.08.
How to sign up?
Registration is now open and will take place until the scheduled date of July 30, 2021, in person, at the headquarters of Santa Rita do Trivelato City Hall, which is located at Avenida Flávio Luis, n° 2.201, center of the municipality.
Opening hours will be from 8am to 11am and 1pm to 4pm, with the candidate having to fill out the registration form and attach copies of the following documents:
- CPF;
- RG;
- Birth or marriage certificate;
- Proof of address.
Stages of the selection process Santa Rita do Trivelato City Hall
Candidates will be evaluated through objective tests, a step common to all positions, which is expected to be applied on August 8, 2021.
On the same day, a essay test only to candidates for higher-level positions.
For candidates for the positions of Machine Operator Category “C, D or E”, Driver Category “D”, School Driver, Mechanic Assistant, Automotive Mechanic and Electrician there will also be the practical tests.
Notice and other information
To check details about each stage of the selection process, see the notice published on Santa Rita do Trivelato City Hall website.
The contest held by Santa Rita do Trivelato City Hall It will be valid for one year and may be extended for an equal period.