A new notice from State Secretariat for Environment and Sustainability (SEMAS PA Competition), located in the state of Pará, may be published soon. The expectation is that the document will offer opportunities for mid- and higher-level positions.
The Secretary of Planning for the state of Pará, Hana Ghassan, said that the notice remains in planning, however, there is still no defined date for the bidding.
The organizing committee was formed in 2019, so it is expected that the next stage will be choosing the organizing committee. On August 13th, news was published on the site of the Government of Pará with the forecast of competitions in 2020, among them, the notice SEMAS PA.
During a plenary session, on August 25th, the Court of Auditors of the State of Pará (TCE/PA) recommended the holding of a new public competition.
The SEMAS/PA People Management Coordination confirmed that 245 positions are vacant.
Do you want to stay informed about SEMAS PA contest, read this content! To make things easier, browse the index provided below:
SEMAS PA competition: current situation
In contact with SEPLAD, details of the procedures were provided.
“After consulting the competent department, we were informed that a study is being carried out to hold a competition, to fill vacancies at the State Secretariat for Environment and Sustainability and to begin the bidding process that will choose the executing board.”
organizing committee
In accordance with Ordinance No. 0200, the Organizing Committee was established on July 25, 2019, the information was published in the Official Gazette of the State of Pará the following day. See the publication below:

SEMAS PA Competition: committee formed!
The communications team at Gran Online Courses is in contact with the SEMAS Press Office, in case of new information about the selection, positions that will be offered or other information, we will update our content.
Contest history:
Enter the main competition dates in list format:
- Committee formed: 07/25/2020
SEMAS PA competition: positions and vacancies
- Public management technician
Vacancies: to be defined
Main duties: develop planning, supervision, coordination, guidance, research and execution of work aimed at personnel administration, organization and methods, budget, material, assets, accounting records, economic and financial analysis, projects and statistical research, archive, as well as registration, classification and cataloging of documents and information. - Infrastructure management technician
Vacancies: to be defined
Main duties: developing planning, execution, supervision, coordination, studies, projects and works activities, as well as examining standards for the conservation of listed buildings in use by the Agency; plan and/or guide the restoration of buildings; prepare projects; direct and supervise the execution of landscaping and visual programming; examine projects and inspect constructions; carry out expertise and arbitrations related to the specialty; participate in the preparation of budgets and calculations for projects and constructions in general. - Environmental management technician
Vacancies: to be defined
Main duties: develop planning, supervision, coordination, guidance, research and execution of plans and programs related to the State Environmental Policy; the protection, preservation and conservation of the environment; application of environmental norms and standards and licensing and supervisory action for projects or activities that may put the ecological balance at risk or cause significant degradation to the environment; among others.
SEMAS PA competition: career
- Public management technician
Requirements: higher level - Infrastructure management technician
Requirements: higher level - Environmental management technician
Requirements: higher level
- Public management technician
Responsibilities: develop planning, supervision, coordination, guidance, research and execution of work aimed at personnel administration, organization and methods, budget, material, assets, accounting records, economic and financial analysis, projects and statistical research, archive, as well such as recording, classifying and cataloging documents and information. - Infrastructure management technician
Responsibilities: develop planning, execution, supervision, coordination, studies, projects and works activities, as well as examination of standards for the conservation of listed buildings in use by the Agency; plan and/or guide the restoration of buildings; prepare projects; direct and supervise the execution of landscaping and visual programming; examine projects and inspect constructions; carry out expertise and arbitrations related to the specialty; participate in the preparation of budgets and calculations for projects and constructions in general. - Environmental management technician
Responsibilities: develop planning, supervision, coordination, guidance, research and execution of plans and programs related to the State Environmental Policy; the protection, preservation and conservation of the environment; application of environmental norms and standards and licensing and supervisory action for projects or activities that may put the ecological balance at risk or cause significant degradation to the environment; among others.
SEMAS PA 2008 Competition
The notice from the State Secretariat for the Environment published in 2008 offered 299 vacancies and was organized by the Research Support and Development Foundation – FADESP. The opportunities were intended for elementary, secondary and higher education levels.
All candidates were evaluated in the objective test stage, only candidates for higher-level positions were evaluated in the qualifications test.
Objective proof
Basic knowledge – 10 questions
Specific knowledge – 15 questions
Basic knowledge – 10 questions
Specific knowledge – 15 questions
Basic knowledge – 20 questions
Specific knowledge – 20 questions
Title test
The title evaluation stage was applied only to candidates for higher-level positions, see the titles below:

SEMAS PA Competition: title rating!
SEMAS PA competition: free materials
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SEMAS PA competition: testimonials from successful candidates
Many candidates have already achieved the long-awaited approval by studying with the Gran Online Courses. Check out Stephanie's statement below, approved in 17 public selections.
Semas PA competition summary
Do you want to win approval in the SEMAS PA competition?
Prepare with those who know the most about the subject!

Jaqueliny Botelho