CRF DF competition is suspended! SEE - Kasamim News
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CRF DF competition is suspended! LOOK

CRF DF competition is suspended! LOOK

CRF DF competition – Regional Pharmacy Council was carried out in 2017. Notice 1/2017, approved in June of the same year, had its validity suspended.

In this event, 10 vacancies were offered, distributed among the positions of general services, driver, administrative assistant, web designer, administrator, lawyer, accountant and inspector. All for reservation registration. Remunerations ranged from R$ 1600.00 to R$ 5055.00.

The selection took place through objective tests and, in the case of higher education, also a discursive test. The content was divided into Basic and Specific Knowledge, the values of the questions in the secondary and higher level tests were 1 and 1.8 respectively.

In the case of the fundamental level test, the Basic Knowledge questions were worth 1 and Specific Knowledge 2.


Current situation

The Regional Pharmacy Council decided to suspend the validity of the public tender relating to Notice No. 1/2017, approved on June 6, 2017, from March 20, 2020. The decision was published in the Official Gazette of the Union.


Registration was carried out via the website of the organizing committee Iades. The rates were R$ 48.00, R$ 68.00 or R$ 85.00, depending on the role.

CRF DF competition positions

10 immediate vacancies are offered, distributed as follows: Assistant I – General Services (1); Assistant I – Driver; Assistant I – Administrative (3); Assistant I -Web Designer (1); Analyst I – Administrator (1); Analyst I – Lawyer (1); Analyst I – Accountant (1); and Pharmacist – Tax (2).

Effective reservation
General Services 1 CR 40 hours fundamental R$ 1,600
Driver 0 CR 40 hours fundamental R$ 1,600
Assistant – Administrator 3 CR 40 hours average R$ 2,400
Web designer 1 CR 40 hours average R$ 2,400
Analyst – Administrator 1 CR 40 hours higher R$ 4,600
Attorney 1 CR 40 hours higher R$ 4,600
Counter 1 CR 40 hours higher R$ 4,600
Tax Pharmacist 1 CR 40 hours higher R& 5,055

The Salary above includes PCCS progression and benefits such as: transport vouchers, food vouchers of R$ 880.00 and a comprehensive health plan.

CRF DF competition stages

O CRF DF contest It will consist of an objective test for all positions, in addition to a discursive test and evaluation of titles and professional experience only for higher-level positions. The evidence relating to the CRF DF contest will be held in the Federal District, on the probable date of the April 2, 2017.

The crazy onesis, dates and times for the tests will be made available on the Iades website, on the probable date of March 16, 2017.

The objective test for mid-level and higher-level positions will consist of 50 (fifty), while for fundamental level positions, 35 (thirty-five) questions will be distributed according to knowledge, with each question consisting of 5 (five) alternatives, with a single answer. correct, scored according to the tables below. 

Middle and higher level

Basic knowledge Portuguese language 5 1 5 12 points
Logical and Mathematical Reasoning 3 1 3
Legislation Applied to the CRF DF 12 1 12
Knowledge in microinformatics 5 1 5
Specific knowledge Specific knowledge 25 1,8 45 22 points

Elementary level

Basic knowledge Portuguese language 12 1 12 8 points
Basics Logical and Mathematical Reasoning 8 1 8
Specific knowledge Specific knowledge 15 2 15 15 points

Candidates who join the CRF-DF staff will be governed by the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT). O CRF DF contest It will be valid for 2 (two) years, counting from the date of approval of the final result, and may be extended 1 (one) time, for the same period, for administrative convenience.

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Notice summary – CRF DF competition

Contest Regional Pharmacy Council of the Federal District
Commission American Development Institute – IADES
Positions Assistant I – General Services

Assistant I – Driver

Assistant I – Administrative

Assistant I -Web Designer

Analyst I – Administrator

Analyst I – Lawyer

Analyst I – Accountant

Pharmacist – Tax

Education Basic, secondary, technical and


Registration fee R$ 48.00, for fundamental level, R$ 68.00, for secondary level and

from R$ 85.00, for higher level.

Capacity Federal District
Number of vacancies 10
Remuneration R$ 1600.00 to R$ 5055.00.
Situation Validity suspended
Link to the latest notice click HERE and check out the latest notice



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