42 open competitions with vacancies for Nurse; check the list - Kasamim Noticias
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42 open competitions with vacancies for Nurse; check the list

42 open competitions with vacancies for Nurse; check the list

Do you want to secure a vacancy in the position of Nurse? There are currently around 42 competitions and selection processes with open opportunities for the area. Look.

The health sector generally has numerous vacancies in public competitions and selection processes across the country. Generally, the nurse position It is one of the most required by public bodies. Professionals, to compete for opportunities, must have a higher education degree in the field. Depending on the context and the opening notice, registration with the respective supervisory body is also required.

Are you interested in competing in the area? In our article, we list the public competitions and selection processes that are open for Nurses. The information was updated on June 16, 2021. Based on our survey, approximately 42 contests guarantee vacancies for the position (the complete list can be found here).

If you're thinking about applying for another position, don't worry. On our website, you can search for any competition or selective according to your educational background. Just access the job category in the top menu. There, candidates can check the opportunities planned and/or open deadline for registration.

Open competitions in Minas Gerais for Nurse

Medeiros City Hall selection process

Fruital City Hall selection process

Caldas City Hall selection process

Check out all open competitions in Minas Gerais!

National competitions with vacancies for Nurse

EsFCEx Army Competition 2021

Open competitions in São Paulo for Nurse

Monte Azul Paulista Mayoral Competition

  • 370 vacancies, including opportunities for Nurses;
  • Registrations until June 25, 2021 (expected deadline);
  • Salaries range from R$ 1,054.64 to R$ 10,258.82, depending on the position;
  • See more information about the competition.

Check out all open competitions in São Paulo!

Open competitions in Ceará for Nurse

COREN CE competition

Granja Mayoral Competition

  • 227 vacancies and reserve registration, including opportunities for Nurses;
  • Registrations until June 17, 2021 (expected deadline);
  • Salaries range from R$ 1,100.00 to R$ 12,000.00, depending on the position;
  • See more information about the competition.

Fortaleza City Hall selection process

Check out all open competitions in Ceará!

Open competitions in Santa Catarina for Nurse

Lages City Hall selection process

Imbituba City Hall Competition

Brusque City Hall selection process

Check out all open competitions in Santa Catarina!

Open competitions in the state of Paraná for Nurse

CONSAMU PR 2021 selection process

Matinhos City Hall selection process

  • 86 vacancies and reserve registration, including opportunities for Nurses;
  • Registrations until 5pm on June 27, 2021 (expected deadline);
  • Remunerations range from R$1,224.88 to R$15,185.86, depending on the position;
  • See more information about the selection process.

Check out all open competitions in the state of Paraná!

Open competitions in Rondônia for Nurse

Selection process Alvorada do Oeste City Hall

Check out all open competitions in Rondônia!

Open competitions in Bahia for Nurse

Barreiras City Hall selection process

  • 311 vacancies and reserve registration, including opportunities for Nurses;
  • Registrations until June 19, 2021 (expected deadline);
  • Remuneration ranges from R$ 1,100.00 to R$ 3,913.48, depending on the position;
  • See more information about the selection process.

Check out all open competitions in Bahia!

Open competitions in Paraíba for Nurse

Bayeux Mayoral Competition

Check out all open competitions in Paraíba!

Open competitions in Rio Grande do Sul for Nurse

Itaqui City Hall selection process

Cachoeirinha Mayoral Competition

Check out all open competitions in Rio Grande do Sul!

Open competitions in Piauí for Nurse

Cocal City Hall selection process

Check out all open competitions in Piauí!

Open competitions in Mato Grosso for Nurse

Tapurah City Hall selection process

Check out all open competitions in Mato Grosso!

Open competitions in Goiás for Nurse

Goiatuba City Hall Competition

  • 421 vacancies and reserve registration, including opportunities for Nurses;
  • Registrations until June 20, 2021 (expected deadline);
  • Remuneration of R$ 2,278.45 for the position;
  • See more information about the competition.

Check out all open competitions in Goiás!

Open competitions in Rio Grande do Norte for Nurse

Severiano Melo City Hall selection process

Rodolfo Fernandes City Hall selection process

Check out all open competitions in Rio Grande do Norte!

Open competitions in Pará for Nurse

Belém City Hall (IASB)

Check out all the competitions open in Pará!

Bruno Destéfano


He was born in the interior of Goiás and moved to the capital, Goiânia, at the beginning of 2015. His goal was to study Journalism at UFG. Since the end of his graduation, he has worked as a scriptwriter, digital media manager, press officer at the Goiânia City Council, web writer, text editor and radio announcer. He wrote two books, one fiction and one non-fiction. He also received awards for producing a podcast on racial topics and for his book-report “Insurgency – Chronicles of Repression”. He currently works as a web writer on the “Concursos no Brasil” website and is participating in a new company in the digital marketing field.



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